Ketchikan, Alaska Photos Courtesy Gravina-Access Project Published:
Alternative D1 is a bridge that would span Tongass Narrows directly across from the airport terminal. The bridge would be 37 meters (120 feet) high and have a horizontal span of 152 meters (500 feet), providing clearance for Columbia class ferries, but not larger cruise ships. The bridge would start at Tongass Avenue near the airport ferry terminal, rise along the hillside behind the quarry, turn westward to cross over Tongass Avenue and Tongass Narrows, and then turn southward to parallel the shoreline on Gravina Island. An airport return loop road would connect the terminal to the bridge. The road would continue around the south end of the airport runway and then arc northward, extending parallel to and west of the airport runway approximately 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) to the north end of the Airport Reserve property. The road at the south end of the runway would be constructed at a grade low enough to allow for future runway expansion plans; i.e., the runway would be expanded as an overpass of the road. The EIS is assessing the no-action alternative and nine build alternatives:
Photo Essay 1 - East Channel High Bridge - Alternative F1 a combined 200-foot high/120-foot high bridge crossing that incorporates Pennock Island (published March 02, 2003) Photo Essay 2 - Alternative F3 Pennock Island Crossing 60-foot High Bridge East Channel and 200-foot High Bridge West Channel Photo Essay 3 - Alternative C3A Photo Essay 4 - Alternative C3B Photo Essay 5 - Alternative C4: 200-foot High Bridge Airport Area to Cambria Drive Area Photo Essay 6 - Alternative D1: 120-foot High Bridge Airport Area Ferry Alternatives: (Alternatives G2, G3, and G4)
A special thank you to the Gravina Access Project Team for providing these photographs & information.
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