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Special Olympics - Bowling Photo Gallery
page 2


November 08, 2002
Friday - 12:50 am


Pizza & Fun Before the Awards Ceremony Begins

The Bowlers Enjoy the Pizza Party Before The Awards Ceremony Begins...
Photo by Gigi Pilcher


Fun and Food For All...
Photo by Gigi Pilcher



Kelly Orr eyes his award as Assemblymember Dick Coose
prepares to place another medal around
Orr's neck as Scott Hoyt looks on.
Photo by Gigi Pilcher


Assemblymember Dick Coose presents Jamie Fitzgerald another medal.
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Kody Rhodes Proudly
Shows Off His Medals
Photo by Mike Gates

Jennifer Jackson Shows Off Her Medal...
Photo by Gigi Pilcher


Jamie Fitzgerald, Vicky Pilcher and Sarah Nichols
Photo by Gigi Pilcher


Back row : Josiah Huestis, Adam Fitzgerald, Trapper Bishop, Kyle Stout
Front row : Sarah Bray, Sarah Fitzgerald, and Taylor Gregg


Unified Partners Awards
Left to right : Sarah Bray Unified partner, Kyle Stout Unified partner,
Trapper Bishop Special O, Josiah Huestis Unified partner (black shirt), Tyler Bray
Special O, and Natasha Pilcher Special O


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