Ketchikan Special Olympics Bowling Tournament Held
Team Ketchikan will travel to Anchorage for State Special Olympics Bowling Tournament
by Gigi Pilcher
Photos by Gigi Pilcher and Mike Gates


November 08, 2002
Friday - 12:50 am

The 2002 Special Olympic Bowling tournament was held November 1st and 2nd at the Ketchikan Entertainment Center.

The event opened with the Special Olympian athletes and their unified partners marching together into the bowling alley.


Trapper Bishop
photo by Gigi Pilcher
After the processional, all the athletes were led in reciting the Special Olympic pledge by Holly Turley.

Trapper Bishop had the honor of lighting the torch to signal the start of the games.

Ketchikan Special Olympics Coordinator, Kathy Fitzgerald reported that this year's total of 21 Special Olympian athletes and 8 unified partners youth is the largest number in local history.

Unified partners are youth volunteers who partner up with Special Olympian athletes. Other volunteers were there to cheer while others assisted with score keeping and setting up for the award ceremony.

Unlike other sporting competitions, the Special Olympians focus on encouraging their competitors and cheering for each other. Having fun and doing their very best was evident in the cheers and clapping that went on throughout the tournament. There were no tears nor agony of defeat, only smiles and laughter.

The tournament ended Sunday evening with a pizza party for the athletes and volunteers and awards were presented to the athletes by Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assemblyman Dick Coose who was assisted by games official Elder Parady.

Team Ketchikan will travel to Anchorage for the State Special Olympics Bowling Tournament November 14th through 18th.


Photo Gallery

Bowlers Kody Rhodes and Trapper Bishop
Photo by Mike Gates


Bowler Ian Clark
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Bowler Tyler Bray
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Bowler Taylor Gates
Photo by Mike Gates

Bowler Holly Turley is all smiles! 
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Kelly Orr and Amanda Haskins
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

 Bowler Scott Hoyt 
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Volunteer Sonia Christensen
 Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Hattie Baumgartner is cheered on by Kelly Orr. Monica Guzman is standing behind Baumgartner preparing to bowl.
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Bowler Taylor Gates
Photo by Mike Gates

Bowler Ester Brown
Photo by Gigi Pilcher 

Volunteer Ardith Peterson prepares awards for theceremony.
Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Photo by Gigi Pilcher



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