![]() By Dick Morris May 08, 2003
OH, that Khadafy! Jordan's Queen Noor assures us that the Libyan dictator and his wife are such a "delightful and charming couple," with whom she spent "a remarkably pleasant evening." Strife in the Middle East? It's the Jews who are at fault, her majesty informs us in "Leap of Faith," her new best-selling autobiography: "Jews, Muslims, and Christians had lived peacefully in the Middle East and indeed in Palestine for centuries. It was not until the rise of Zionism and the creation of Israel that animosities took root." Anti-Semites never attack Jews, the way she tells the tale, but only Zionism or Israel. And nothing is the fault of the Arab nations (who attacked Israel four times and refused to absorb Palestinians into their borders). America? Overrun by Jewish interests: "Jews . . . achieved influence and power at the highest levels." Worse yet, friends of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are "CEOs of large American corporations and representatives of the top levels of media and entertainment businesses, financial institutions, legal and medical professions and, increasingly, the highest reaches of government." It's good old fashioned anti-Semitism, dressed up to sound better. Instead of "shylock," she speaks of the dominance of Jews over "financial institutions." Instead of the Elders of Zion, she speaks of Jews' power over the "highest reaches of government." Instead of going after Jews in Hollywood, it's the "top levels of media and entertainment businesses. Bigotry and prejudice leaps
out from each page of the book. Indeed? Surrounded by Arab states mobilizing for war - with her husband, King Hussein of Jordan, scurrying to Cairo to cement a military alliance with Egypt for the sole purpose of attacking Israel - the small Jewish nation sent its air force to attack, pre-emptively, Arab aircraft on the ground. Does any sane person really believe that Israel would have gone to war in 1948, 1956, 1967 or 1973 if the Arab states had not, each time, attacked or made manifest that they were about to attack - pitting their hundreds of millions of people against Israel's 3 million? Unpleasant facts that don't fit Queen Noor's story don't find their way into her memoir. She dismisses the "rumor" that her husband was on the CIA payroll for decades - yet Jimmy Carter revealed that fact. Nor does Noor discuss her husband's role in the vicious surprise attack on Israel as Jews there peacefully fasted, celebrating the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, in 1973. She conveniently omits that her husband Hussein sent two of his best units - the 40th and 60th Armored Brigades, comprising 100 tanks - and three Jordanian artillery batteries into the surprise assault. Nor does the queen discuss Hussein's 1970-1971 war against the PLO, driving it out of Jordan and, eventually, onto the West Bank. It was this war, more than anything else, that made the West Bank into a powder keg: It concentrated millions of Palestinians right in the middle of Israeli-occupied territory. Had the Palestinians been permitted to stay in Jordan, they might have found a vent for their need for a state - albeit at Hussein's expense. But on the West Bank, all they could do is rail against Israeli domination. Anti-Semitism always advances disguised. Queen Noor attacks Israel, Zionism and Jewish power in America. She complains of Jewish domination of banking, business and media. She doesn't go out into the street and yell "Death to the Jews," but Queen Noor, King Hussein's fourth wife, has written an anti-Semitic book nonetheless. Americans, and Jews, should not do her the favor of buying it.