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Scars and Ruptures from 7.9 Denali Fault Quake


November 12, 2002
Tuesday - 10:00 pm


Trace of the Denali Fault running up the north side of the Canwell Glacier about 10 miles east of the Richardson Highway.



A fault trace visible in trees southeast of Tok Cutoff Highway.


Liquefaction, spreading and settling at the north end of Fielding Lake, which is about 11 miles south of the Denali fault. Note the tilted buildings.


Near the head of Slate Creek, a stream bank offset of 3.3 m is visible; larger offset including drag along fault was roughly 11 feet.


These two rockslides flowed a mile northward over the Black Rapids Glacier. They were the largest observed. They are about 12 miles west of the Richardson Highway.


Snow and ice avalanches on the Gakona Glacier.
A fault trace is dimly visible in foreground.


Fault offset of Tok cutoff highway.
On the ground researchers estimated offset as 22 feet.


Totschunda fault trace. A significant finding of the initial surveys was that the Totschunda fault ruptured during the earthquake. The Totschunda fault connects with Denali fault, is located at the southeastern extent of the rupture zone, and the fault has a more southeasterly trend than the Denali fault.


A view northwest along the Totschunda fault at the SE most extent.


A easily visible fault trace near Chistochina River.



Source of 11/07/02 Photographs:

United States Geological Services
Web Site

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