Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska News



Mile 15 To Settlers Cove Under Construction
Story & Photos by Dick Kauffman


November 29, 2002
Friday - 6:55 pm

The construction on the 3.2 miles of North Tongass Highway between the end of the pavement at Mile Post 15 and Settler's Cove began approximately a week ago. The State sub-contracted the project to Southeast Roadbuilders, Inc., of Haines, Alaska.

According to State Highway Department Maintenance Foreman Nick Farstad, the remaining 3.2 miles of dirt road will be reshaped using shotrock, guard rails will be replaced and new culverts installed.

Farstad said that once the shotrock, guardrail and culvert stages of construction are completed a chip and seal surface will be applied to the road. The chip and seal portion is expected to be completed by late summer of 2003.

Costs for chip seal treatment averages $0.2 million per mile, but are lower when economies of scale are present for longer segments according to information provided by the Alaska Department of Transportation.


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