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Stevens Invites Alaskans To Participate In The Veterans History Project
The Library of Congress is Asking All Americans to Share
Their Memories of Veterans During This Holiday Season


November 22, 2002
Friday - 12:30 am

Senator Stevens is reminding veterans organizations, community groups, schools, and any interested Alaskans that it is not too late to participate in the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project.

The Project, part of the Library's Folklike Center, collects and preserves audio and video recorded oral histories from America's war veterans and those who served in support of them, along with other documentary materials such as photographs, diaries and letters. The project is targeted to veterans of World War I, World War II, and the Korean, Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars.

The Veterans History Project is making a special push during the Thanksgiving time period to ask veterans and everyone interested in the project to remember the sacrifices of our veterans and participate in the Veterans History Project.

"Just as a new memorial in Washington, D.C. will honor our World War II veterans, a living memorial to all our war veterans will be created by the Veterans History Project," said Stevens.

The Veterans History Project is developing a national collection by creating partnerships and encouraging participation from a wide range of veterans' organizations, military installations, civic groups, museums, libraries, historical societies, the academic community, and veterans' families. The public is also being asked to participate - grandchildren may interview their grandparents, students can interview community members, and veterans can interview each other.

"This is an important project and one that we should continue to support. Of the 19 million war veterans living in our nation, nearly 1,500 of them die each day - 1,100 of them having served in World War II," said Stevens. "While their own memorial is under construction, we can build a lasting national collection that will preserve their war time memories, actions and experiences. This national project encourages local projects and local archives that will collect oral histories of all our war veterans for our children and grandchildren."

For brochures, forms, guidelines, and instructional materials on how to participate in the project, Alaskans can contact the American Folklife Center toll free at 888-371-5848 or visit the American Folklife Center's web site.


Source of News Release:

Office of Senator Ted Stevens
Web Site

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