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Kake Youth Wins National Fishing Derby


November 22, 2002
Friday - 12:30 am

Dean Cavanaugh, age 12, of Kake is the kid with the best fish story in the nation.
Petersburg, AK ­ Dean Cavanaugh of Kake is the kid with the best fish story in the nation, according to an announcement by the USDA Forest Service and the Gunnuk Creek Hatchery.

The 12-year-old's 23-pound king salmon made him the 2002 National Champion for the Saltwater Division of the "Kids All-American Fishing Derby" program. Cavanaugh caught his big fish in the popular Kake Kids' Fishing Derby, held in June of this year and attended by about 60 boys and girls between 6 and 16 years of age. In addition to the fishing derby itself, events included a casting contest, a t-shirt fish printing activity and a hot dog roast.

As the kid with the best fish story in the nation, Fujifilm Inc. will give Cavanaugh a special gift basket and a $500 U. S. Savings Bond.

The Kids All-American Fishing Derby program is the largest youth special event in the United States and involves 250,000 children participating in over 1,500 fishing derbies in all 50 states. It is sponsored by a number of major corporations and is made available by Hooked on Fishing International. Although this is a national program, it is made possible locally by the generous support of many local businesses in Petersburg and Kake as well as the City of Petersburg, the City of Kake, the Organized Village of Kake, the USDA Forest Service and the Gunnuk Creek Hatchery.

In additiion to congratulating Cavanaugh, the USDA Forest Service extended thanks to all the sponsors of this year's event for helping to introduce children to one of America's favorite pastimes - fishing.


View the Ketchikan Salmon Derby Photo Gallery


Source of News Release:

USDA Forest Service
Web Site

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