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Telecommunications Study Released
Examines Industry and Regulations in Alaska


November 21, 2002
Thursday - 12:15 am

A study commissioned by the State of Alaska examining the telecommunications industry and regulations in the state has been released, Commissioner of Administration Jim Duncan announced on Wednesday. Conducted by BearingPoint (formerly KPMG Consulting), the study looks at the market forces and regulatory environment in Alaska in the telecommunications sector and compares this with other areas of the country.

"This document gives us a good starting point to have substantive discussions about the role of government in the telecommunications industry in Alaska," Duncan said. "As we look to the future of developing the Alaska tele-communications industry, this report helps set the stage for the types of decisions we will have to make."

The study gives a historical description of telecommunications services in Alaska and points to specific areas where decisions will have to be made in order to ensure that the industry continues to be robust in the state. Written chiefly by Dr. Thomas Tunstall, Ph.D., of BearingPoint, it is the result of his research and multiple interviews with key industry and regulatory officials in Alaska conducted since June of this year.

The State's major telecommunications carriers were given an opportunity to review the study prior to its release, and then comment. Their responses are provided in an attached section at the end of the report.


Download the Report:

Telecommunications Study



Source of News Release:

Office of Governor
Web Site

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