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Alaska Discovery Center News

Center Announces Shotridge To Work In Ketchikan


November 21, 2002
Thursday - 12:15 am

Tlingit Totem Pole - Carver, Israel Shotridge (Brown Bear, Tongass Tribe) will be doing some work on his Totem pole at the Alaska Discovery Center in Ketchikan. Shotridge plans on lowering the pole on the 25th of November; repair portions of the pole, touch-up the paint as needed, and replace the base plate during the week.

Shotridge, who currently resides in the state of Washington, will be taking a break on the 28th to observe Thanksgiving with his family in Ketchikan. The pole will be raised and secured in place on the 30th. The Alaska Discovery Center invites everyone to come and observe the repairs to this beautiful Totem.

To learn more about Israel Shotridge, click on this link to visit his website.

In other news, the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center at 50 Main Street is now on a winter schedule. The Center is open from 10:00 a.m. thru 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The Center invites everyone to visit the Center and become reacquainted with Alaska's ecosystems, wildlife, natural resources, public lands and Native Cultures. The Center will be closed for the following upcoming holidays: November 28th (Thanksgiving), and December 25th (Christmas). Any other special occasions during November and December will be posted at the Center.

The Alaska Discovery Center will also be accepting non-perishable donations through the 27th for the local food bank.



Source of News Release:

Southeast Alaska Discovery Center
Web Site

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