Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska News



School Board Seats Harpold


November 20, 2002
Wednesday - 12:05 am

The Ketchikan School Board held a brief special meeting on Tuesday evening for the purpose of selecting a board member to fill the seat vacated by the resignation on September 20th of Board Member Mike Lyshol. The Ketchikan School Board considered two candidates - Deb Harney and Mike Harpold.

According to information provided by Board President Choc Shaffer, the motion to seat Deb Harney failed to pass with a 3 -3 vote. Another motion was made to seat Mike Harpold with this motion passing unanimously, 6-0.

Harpold will occupy this appointed seat until the next regular election in October 2003.

Mike Harpold


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