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Rodriguez Named KGH Employee of the Month for November


November 13, 2002
Wednesday - 12:30 am

Melody Rodriguez, Diet Aide, has been chosen Ketchikan General Hospital (KGH) Employee of the Month by a committee of her peers.

Melody Rodriguez
Rodriguez has been a part of KGH food service for over five years. Her job is to make certain that all patients receive the correct diet and high quality foods. She works directly with the hospital dietician to be aware of special diets or diet changes for patients. She visits each patient daily to ask about his or her food preferences. "I enjoy my routine," said Rodriguez. "It's always my pleasure to see the patients happy and appreciating our good food and our quality of service."

The award of Employee of the Month at Ketchikan General Hospital recognizes employees who regularly go above and beyond what is required, to provide high quality service to patients, visitors and co-workers.  The fellow employee who nominated Rodriguez stated, "Working with Melody is definitely something to treasure. She is cooperative, responsible, easy to deal with, and very willing to help."

The Employee of the Month is awarded a personal parking space, a certificate and gold star, lunch courtesy of the hospital, and one month free in the Employee Fitness Program, $25 gift certificate to the business of their choice, Employee of the Month Appreciation Day, a Ketchikan General Hospital gift, a discount at the hospital gift shop and their favorite menu served in the cafeteria one day during the month.



Source of News Release:

Ketchikan General Hospital
Web Site

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