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UAS Ketchikan Invites Community To Open House


November 01, 2002
Friday - 12:30 am

The University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan is holding an Open House and Barbecue on Saturday, November 9 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Ziegler Building on the Main Campus, located at 2600 Seventh Avenue. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, soda and cookies will be served.

The public is invited to meet and talk with the professors. Each department will have information regarding course offerings, course outlines and textbooks on display for the public to look over and see the kinds and depth of courses taught at UAS Ketchikan.

In addition, there will be three short workshops offered FREE during the Open House. One at 11:30 will focus on the University Connection Scholarship Program. This program is for high school students wishing to take college courses prior to graduating high school. The program began in this fall and currently has 19 students in the program.

At 12:00, current UAS Ketchikan students will share what life is like as a student in "UAS Ketchikan Student Life What's it like?" And at 12:30, Student Services Coordinator Gail Klein will provide critical information on "Financial Aid and College Funding Sources.

Each workshop will have time for questions and will be held in the UAS Ketchikan Campus Library. The public is invited to attend one or all of the workshops.

The Library, Learning Center and Computer Lab will all be open and staff will be available to answer questions regarding each of these student resources. The Learning Center provides student tutoring in English and Math and a variety of other student services. The Computer Lab is open six days a week for students to take self-paced and instructor-led computer software courses. It is also available for any UAS Ketchikan student to use for papers, projects and other assignments. The computer lab was upgraded over the summer and now features Windows 2000 and Microsoft Office 2000 products on all the computers.

Vocational faculty for both welding and maritime will also be on-hand with information regarding these and other vocational course offerings at UAS Ketchikan Technical Center.

The University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Campus is a part of the University of Alaska statewide system and provides a wide variety of educational courses and programs both locally and to students in distance sites across the state. Many course offerings are available both locally and through distance avenues including web-based, audio conference, teleconference and satellite offerings. Through these offerings, students can achieve certifications, associate, bachelor and master degrees.



Source of News Release:

University of Alaska Southeast - Ketchikan
Web Site

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