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Two Alaska Educators Honored For Excellence
Bethel Teacher, Anchorage Principal Earn $25,000 Milken Award


November 01, 2002
Friday - 12:30 am

Two outstanding Alaska educators, one from Bethel and the other from Anchorage, have been honored with a 2002 National Educator Award worth $25,000 from the Milken Family Foundation of Los Angeles, Gov. Tony Knowles announced today.

The Milken Awards give us the opportunity to celebrate a few outstanding people who by their commitment to excellence stand for the many great educators who teach and inspire our children."...
Gov. Knowles

"Our educators are shaping the future of Alaska," Knowles said. "But they face enormous challenges and carry heavy responsibilities. The Milken Awards give us the opportunity to celebrate a few outstanding people who by their commitment to excellence stand for the many great educators who teach and inspire our children."

This morning, Knowles telephoned both winners to announce the awards. Sheila Wallace is a teacher at Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Charter School in the Lower Kuskokwim School District in Bethel. Susan Okeson is the principal of Wonder Park Elementary School in the Anchorage School District. Educators are nominated for the award without their knowledge by a panel appointed by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED).

Sheila Wallace is a graduate of the Lower Kuskokwim School District who returned to Bethel to teach after receiving her degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. A teacher since 1994, Sheila connects language instruction to her lesson plans, her students see her as a positive cultural role model. Her co-workers say that Wallace's calm presence and soft-spoken demeanor have proven to be her most powerful tools, capturing her students' undivided attention.

As an elementary school principal for four years, Susan Okeson is known as a talented and highly respected leader. She has been honored with a Harvard Fellowship in leadership and technology. Teachers are grateful for her dedication to professional development. They credit the steady rise of test scores to Okeson. Parents see Okeson as a caring principal who motivates the kids and always shows a positive attitude. Everyone is inspired by the courageous and cheerful example Okeson sets as a survivor of breast cancer.

Alaska has participated in this award program, which is sponsored by the Milken Family Foundation in cooperation with DEED, since 1990. Since then, 50 Alaska teachers and principals have received the honor.

In addition to the financial award, recipients of the Milken Educator Award have the opportunity to participate in an ongoing network of over 1,000 of the nation's most outstanding educators. Through the network, educators can obtain a variety of professional resources to help them cultivate and expand innovative programs in their classrooms, schools, and districts. Winners also receive an all-expenses-paid trip to Los Angeles in June 2003 for the annual Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference.  



For more information on the Milken Educator Awards call (310) 998-3088 or visit the Milken web site at In Alaska, call Harry Gamble at the Department of Education and Early Development, 465-2851.


Source of News Release:

Office of the Governor
Web Site

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