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Alaska Transportation Projects Receive Nearly $6 Million


June 27, 2003
Friday - 12:30 am

The Department of Transportation informed U.S. Senator Ted Stevens on Thursday that they are distributing $5.8 million in Federal Highway funds for various projects in Alaska. According to information provided by the Office of Senator Stevens, the Senator secured these funds in the Fiscal Year 2003 Omnibus Appropriations bill, which includes funding for the Department of Transportation.

Funds are being distributed to:

$454,813 for the development of a master plan for the Southeast Alaska Trail System from Ketchikan and Misty Fjords National Monument to Haines and Skagway.

$831,942 for the Smart Emergency Medical Access System throughout Alaska.

$1,837,975 to the Alaska Department of Transportation for the construction of a new ferry between Coffman Cove, Wrangell, and Petersburg, and for improvements to ferry facilities.

$300,000 to Alaska Department of Transportation to build a bike path and related amenities in downtown Fairbanks, a project envisioned by the late Dr. Wood.

$600,000 for the Port of Anchorage Intermodel Expansion Project.

$600,000 to the Municipality of Anchorage for the Girdwood Road Culvert Improvement.

$500,000 to upgrade Camp Gorsuch Road, for improved access into the Rasmusson Boy Scout Reservation, Municipal Park land and Heritage Land Bank land.

$227,407 to the Alaska Department of Transportation for the Iditarod National Historic Trail through the Chugach National Forest between Seward and Girdwood.

$454,813 to construct a pedestrian walking path at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge at Soldotna.



Source of News Release:

Office of Senator Ted Stevens
Web Site

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