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Erickson Named KGH Employee of the Month for May


May 23, 2003
Friday - 12:15 am

Ketchikan, Alaska - Mary Jo Erickson, an RN in the Southeast Surgical Clinic, has been chosen Ketchikan General Hospital (KGH) Employee of the Month by a committee of her
Mary Jo Erickson
peers. Erickson has been a KGH employee for 18 years, beginning her work in the Medical/Surgical Unit and moving on to the Operating Room. She has received training as a First Assist in surgery as well as a Certified Nurse-Operating Room (CNOR). This special training in the operating room and peri-anesthesia fields meets national standards for RNs.  It is awarded by the Certification Board Perioperative Nursing, recognizing the professional achievement demonstrated when a nurse's knowledge in the perioperative role exceeds that which is necessary for competency in practice.
Presently her position at the Southeast Surgical Clinic, assisting Dr. Robert Crochelt and Dr. Deborah Aaron, allows her to work with clients before, during and after surgery. She spends time with patients and their families, and acts as a liaison for the surgeons. The co-worker who nominated her stated "She has excellent technical skills, great compassion, sharp intellect and wit, and is always able to act in the best interest of the patient. She clearly exhibits PeaceHealth's core values in her work." Said Erickson upon hearing of her award, "I truly love being in nursing and have no regrets about the path my career has taken me along."
The award of Employee of the Month at KGH recognizes those who regularly go above and beyond what is required, to provide high quality service to patients, visitors and co-workers. 



Source of News Release:

Ketchikan General Hospital
Web Site

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