Month 28, 2003
Hardy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and member of NASW's Alaska Chapter. In announcing Hardy as the Social Worker of the Year, Constance A. Hanser, ACSW, the Southeast Representative on the Board of Directors of the Alaska Chapter of NASW, noted that Hardy has preserved the rights and strengthened the voices of a variety of populations since entering the social work field in 1972. Hanser wrote, "The people of California, Texas, and Alaska have been the recipients of Bill's passion for his work and tireless efforts advocating for the disenfranchised and marginalized populations of our society." In Ketchikan, Hardy has worked as a Child Protective Worker, a mental health clinician, Program Director for Ketchikan General Hospital's Recovery Center, and a private practitioner. Presently, he works as a medical social worker for the Ketchikan Indian Community's Tribal Health Clinic.
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