Habitat and Coastal Management Programs February 12 , 2003
"The people of Alaska have shown their strong support for a more efficient permitting process, which is not done at the expense of the environment," Murkowski said. "The legacy we intend to leave Alaskans is a stronger economy, which is the foundation that supports everything the government provides for the people. Having a more efficient permitting process is key to creating a stronger, more vibrant economy. Moving these two functions into the Department of Natural Resources is the first logical step in creating that more efficient permitting process." Under Executive Order 106, the transfer of the functions of the office of coastal management from the Office of the Governor to DNR simply means that management of the coastal zone will take place within the line agency, rather than by the Division of Governmental Coordination. The second EO, No. 107, transfers the permitting functions of the habitat division to DNR and leaves some functions with the Department of Fish & Game. Other functions of the habitat division, including research, refuge management and special projects, will remain in ADF&G. The two executive orders become
effective in 60 days if the Legislature does not take action
to disapprove them.
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