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Governor's Accomplishments After First 70 Days Outlined


February 12 , 2003
Wednesday - 7:50 pm

Juneau - Alask Governor Frank Murkowski and his cabinet today released the accomplishments after his first seventy days in office.

"We have been working diligently to get Alaska moving again. These actions require a deliberate process and cannot be done overnight. But we have set our course and we know where we are going," said Murkowski.

According to information provided by the Office of the Governor, starting immediately after the election, the new administration began a transition process that has been notable for its openness and inclusiveness. Due diligence teams identified the short-term and long-term challenges facing each department. Regional advisory groups held public meetings in 17 communities to solicit Alaskans' concerns on a broad range of issues. Finally, transition teams distilled all this information into final reports and recommendations to the governor. The results of this all-volunteer transition process have helped inform the new administration's plans and goals.


Appointed by Governor Murkowski:

Approximately 65 Alaskans to various boards and commissions, led by:

Commissioner of Dept. of Administration - Mike Miller
Commissioner of Dept. of Community & Economic Development - Edgar Blatchford
Commissioner of Dept. of Corrections - Marc Antrim
Commissioner of Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Ernesta Ballard
Commissioner of Dept. of Health & Social Services - Joel Gilbertson
Commissioner of Dept. of Labor & Workforce - Greg O'Clary
Attorney General, Dept. of Law - Gregg Renkes
Commissioner of Dept. of Military & Veterans Affairs - Brig. Gen. Craig Campbell
Commissioner of Dept. of Natural Resources - Tom Irwin
Commissioner of Dept. of Public Safety -Bill Tandeske
Commissioner of Dept. of Revenue - Bill Corbus


Administrative Orders:

201 ­ Suspend all hiring for vacant positions, suspend all out-of-state travel, desist in contract award for personal services until January 31, 2003.
202 - Performance audits by Office of Management and Budget
203 - Reorganization of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
204 - Reorganization of the Department of Transportation
205 - Reorganization of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development
206 - Amends 204, includes the Alaska Marine Highway System Organization
207 - Reorganization of the Department of Corrections

Executive Orders:

104 - Transfers the function of administering the equal employment opportunity program from the Office of the Governor to the division of personnel in the Department of Administration.

105 - Transfers the Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission from the Office of the Governor to the Department of Natural Resources.

106 - Transfers the Alaska Coastal Policy Council, and the functions of Coastal Management from the Office of the Governor to the Department of Natural Resources.

107 - Transfers to the Department of Natural Resources certain habitat functions presently assigned to the Department of Fish and Game.



Source of News Release:

Office of the Governor
Web Site

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