Business May Relocate & May Change Name Story by Dick Kauffman - Photos by Chris Wilhelm January 31, 2003
James Elkins the manager of the Fo'c'sle Bar said the business is not closing down but possibly may be moving from its current location at 312 Front Street. Elkins said negotiations are underway with an undisclosed curio company that is interested in renting the building in which the Fo'c'sle Bar is currently located. Photo by Chris Wilhelm ©Wilhelm 2003 James Elkins said the agreement with the undisclosed curio company is not yet finalized and the curio company is presently in the process of obtaining approval from state and local governments in order to renovate the building. Jamie Elkins said if the curio company is able to obtain the approval needed to renovate the building and if the rental agreement if finalized, the Fo'c'sle Bar will close down in its present location by February 16th. He said the business will then relocate and may have a new name. The building in which the Fo'c'sle Bar is located is the one of the oldest structures in Ketchikan according to Elkins. He said the bar opened in the building in 1936 or 1933 or maybe earlier. Elkins said if the rental agreement is not finalized, the Fo'c'sle Bar will continue to remain in business at its current location. The Fo'c'sle Bar is currently located on property owned by James Elkins' father, Jim Elkins.
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